


Organizational Diagnostics

As the leader of a high-stakes team or organization, you know what it’s like to work under constantly changing, stressful conditions. You and your teams know when you’re not working well together or performing at your peak, but you don’t have time to assess why or how to make it better. Wildfire Strategies Organizational Diagnostics can provide you with an in-depth understanding of the impediments to your best teamwork and performance, as well as the strengths that will help you overcome them.


Strategic Direction

There are so many forces reshaping the industries we work with: regulation, technology, mergers, disintermediation, and others. Leadership changes create opportunities for fresh starts, but they can also kick up fears about losing familiar faces and ways of working. It’s easy to get off track during these times of change, or paralyzed into inaction that leaves you behind. Wildfire Strategies can help realign and redefine your strategy to take advantage of the changing landscape, ensuring that your team and organization are working optimally to fulfill your mission.



Ombuds on Demand by Wildfire Strategies is a confidential, impartial service that helps individuals in the organization find creative solutions to different kinds of situations. The ombuds can mediate, coach, facilitate, or engage in shuttle diplomacy to help individuals navigate conflicts or be a sounding board to assist with addressing organizational challenges.

The service can also provide reports of trends, systemic problems, and organizational issues to high-level leaders allowing them to take action.


The Coach Is In™

The Coach Is In™ is a targeted 25-minute, confidential coaching session that helps you get unstuck, dive into a work or life issue, gain clarity, and identify actionable next steps.

Developed for incubators, start-ups, and tenants in co-working spaces, it can help workers who are encountering emergent issues, like pitching to a challenging client. While working with the coach, the participant will feel a sense of support, connection, and trust. And they will have a more clear path forward, bringing them relief and confidence in their future work.

Organization Diagnostics

The Challenge

As the leader of a high-stakes team or organization, you know what it’s like to work under constantly changing, stressful conditions. You and your teams know when you’re not working well together or performing at your peak, but you don’t have time to assess why or how to make it better. Wildfire Strategies Organization Diagnostics can provide you with an in-depth understanding of the impediments to your best teamwork and performance, as well as the strengths that will help you overcome those impediments.

Our process of assessing the organization – interviews, surveys and analytics – enables us to design the interventions that improve the performance of your leadership, departmental teams and the business overall. Because Organization Diagnostics gives people the chance to be heard, it already begins to create a positive shift in relationships and behaviors.

The Work
Organization Diagnostics includes three components


Wildfire designs and delivers in-depth one-on-one assessment interviews with leaders, teams and influencers from every level of the organization. These interviews provide insights into what causes the challenges you face, as well as what – and who – can help solve them. The interviews also build rapport across roles and serve as a pressure release valve, giving participants the feeling of being heard and validated.


Wildfire also designs and delivers tailored surveys to larger groups of team members to capture department or system-level feedback on how challenges in communication, respect, accountability and role clarity impact team performance and productivity.

Through our partnership with RallyBright, we offer surveys that assess team resilience and levels of inclusion and collaboration in organization cultures. The results include a dashboard that also provides a range of other team and individual assessment tools.

Data Analysis

The industries we work with are not short on data. Employee engagement surveys, industry ratings, satisfaction scores, and many more help to paint the picture of where your organization and teams function well and where they don’t.