


Team Healing

You have inherited a team or department burdened with a lot of old baggage. Wounds from long-standing conflicts and resentments fester. Perhaps they’ve been made worse by a prior leadership vacuum and lack of ongoing professional development.

The Team Healing process helps mend ruptured relationships and build an atmosphere of trust, respect, and psychological safety, which are essential to achieving your goals.


Team Transformation™

You want your teams to run like a smooth, fast-moving train: productive and effective. Your customers and key stakeholders depend on it. But if your team isn’t collaborating effectively, it can dramatically reduce performance. Perhaps you’ve gone through organizational changes, and added or lost team members. People are not communicating well, and are unable to contribute to their full potential. You know the team can do better.

Team Transformation helps team members discover their own strengths, the strengths of other members of their team, and how to best utilize them to reignite team performance.


Coaching for Leadership

Who do you turn to when there are tough choices to make, a difficult conversation to have, or complicated reporting lines to navigate? Who helps you sort through the concerns that keep you up at night? As a top leader in your organization, you may have few trusted allies with whom to explore complex issues and even less time to think about them.

A Wildfire Strategies coach provides a confidential relationship to help leaders develop and improve communications with their teams, enhance relationships and role clarity, improve decision-making and delegation, and leverage their strengths to enhance both performance and job satisfaction.



Ombuds on Demand by Wildfire Strategies is a confidential, impartial service that helps individuals in the organization find creative solutions to different kinds of situations. The ombuds can mediate, coach, facilitate, or engage in shuttle diplomacy to help individuals navigate conflicts or be a sounding board to assist with addressing organizational challenges.

The service can also provide reports of trends, systemic problems, and organizational issues to high-level leaders allowing them to take action.


The Coach Is In™

The Coach Is In™, is a targeted 25-minute, confidential coaching session that helps you get unstuck, dive into a work or life issue, gain clarity, and identify actionable next steps.

Developed for incubators, start-ups, and tenants in co-working spaces, it can help workers who are encountering emergent issues, like pitching to a challenging client. While working with the coach, the participant will feel a sense of support, connection, and trust. And they will have a more clear path forward, bringing them relief and confidence in their future work.


The Challenge

There are so many forces shaping the industries we work with: regulation, technology, mergers, disintermediation, and others. Without clarity on strategy, it’s easy to get off track during these times of change, or paralyzed into inaction that leaves you behind.

The Work

Wildfire helps leadership to navigate these macro-level changes with a strategic mindset. Working with leadership teams and boards, Wildfire designs and delivers retreats, annual meetings and off-sites where these leaders can build desired culture, vision and strategic plans for themselves and their organizations. Through additional strategic planningteam transformation™ and individual coaching, Wildfire can then help them bring these plans to life.

The results of Strategic Direction include:

  • Cohesive leadership teams
  • Strategic plans
  • More defined cultures that guide organizational direction